Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Can Cucumber Cure Acne Rosacea Permanently?

Mentioned in 1597, John Gerard, a famous English botanist, on the healing properties of cucumber, and recommended that the consumption of cucumber soup and oatmeal three times a day would have been made to fight a fire and pimply complexion . Since then a lot of anecdotal evidence is that such vegetables used to reduce the swelling and redness of the face of rosacea is useful. Here I will look for fresh cucumbers is a remedy for rosacea and how to apply to the skin.

History of cucumber
Cucumber (Cucumis sativus) has a long history as one of the oldest cultivated plants known to mankind, grown in southern India over the last 4000 years or so. It is also mentioned in the Bible (Numbers 11:5), where the children of Israel, so that, when Egypt was complaining that she remembered to eat the fish, cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions and garlic, they were free. The Greeks and Romans were apparently also likes pickles and vegetables, has remained a favorite ever since. As the Victorian English upper class have cucumber sandwiches for afternoon tea and the Queen of England still in use in their garden parties at Buckingham Palace served.

Benefits of cucumber
Cucumber is a component of many creams and lotions because of its astringent, cooling and moisturizing properties. Their meat is mostly water but also contains vitamins A, C, E and caffeic acid, all of which help soothe skin irritation and swelling. Therefore, slices of cucumber placed on the eyes helps reduce puffy eyes. The outer skin contains beneficial minerals like magnesium, potassium and silica. Silica is an essential component of healthy connective tissue, which is important to have clear, glowing skin.

How to use cucumber for rosacea
There are several ways of cucumbers applied to the skin to reduce redness and swelling of the face. The first recipe is simple yogurt mash a few slices of cucumber and combine the puree with two or three tablespoons. Apply on the face are like a form of back, and leave for about ten minutes to work. Then wash with cold water.

Another method is simply slices of fresh cucumber affected areas for ten to fifteen minutes place for the swelling and redness. This would be particularly useful for people with ocular rosacea.

Slice a large cucumber and mix with half cup of cream, add a tablespoon of olive oil, honey and mud and mix. Today it is possible all these ingredients in a blender to mix and then cool the mixture in the refrigerator. Make sure your face is clean and then massage the mixture into the skin, let it dry and leave for as long as comfortable. If you want to try this recipe, I would suggest (with Manuka honey very beneficial in healing the skin) and the Dead Sea mud (full) of minerals.

As you can see, not the humble cucumber only eat well in salads and sandwiches, but it has a calming and cooling properties, which makes use of all the parties involved in the treatment of symptoms of rosacea.


Curtis said...

Rosacea is a common skin condition that affects lots of people skin and it is characterized by redness and swelling of the skin.I heard that Riversol skin care product is very good for our skin and help our skin from Rosacea problem.

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